Welcome to USPAACC’s CelebrASIAN 40th Anniversary Business + Procurement Conference 2025 — America’s largest and longest-running business development conference convened by Pan Asian Americans. For over 40 years, CelebrASIAN has been creating, sustaining and energizing thousands of partnerships among corporate America, government agencies in the federal, state, and local levels, large nonprofits, the Pan Asian American, and other minority and diverse enterprises. If you are serious about growing your business, then CelebrASIAN Business + Procurement Conference is a must-attend event for you!
7:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Registration & Information BoothMGM Grand Ballroom Pre-functionAt CelebrASIAN, fostering an environment for attendee success is our priority. Whether you need help with badge printing, session details or have questions for USPAACC staff, we will be here for you. As you begin your conference experience, we ensure a smooth transition filled with opportunities for knowledge exchange, networking, business and professional growth. |
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM | C-Suite Breakfast (by Invitation Only) |
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM | AI Technology ForumBellagio BallroomAI & Technology experts from leading Fortune 1000 companies will share their insights on domestic and global trends in technology and digital transformation. They will discuss how small businesses can align with the strategic needs of these corporations in the evolving global marketplace. |
11:45 AM – 1:15 PM | i-Builders (Industry Builders) Marketplace LuncheonMGM Grand BallroomFeatures successful entrepreneurs and business leaders who have upended or will soon change the market with disruptive innovation. They will share insights into how to discover and turn their creative ideas and concepts into game-changing products and services. |
1:30 PM – 3:15 PM | Doing Business with Corporations & Government Agencies RoundtablesMGM Grand BallroomOur Doing Business with Roundtables show the intricacies of the corporation and government contracting process. Suppliers will engage in 10-minute sessions with senior supply development and procurement leaders and small business specialists at multiple roundtable discussions. The exchange of information between the suppliers and the procurement / contracting organizations will be straight forward, candid, and substantive. This roundtable could be where your relationships begin with potential buyers. |