2020 Sponsorship Opportunities

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Since its inception, CelebrAsian has gathered tens of thousands of attendees from every industry and thousands of companies under one roof in five US cities.

Sponsorship Packages

Sponsorship Packages













Opportunity to host and speak at virtual luncheon and the 35th Anniversary Jade Jubilee Awards and Recognition Event
CEO video message on Conference website, social media, and during virtual conference
Feature a blog post to introduce organization’s supplier diversity team/procurement team or a subject of organization’s choice311
Opportunity to showcase organization’s services and products to a network of 10,000 B2B businesses & public at USPAACC Virtual Mall
Host Virtual 1-on-1 Prescheduled Business Matchmaking Meetings
Title sponsor for a LiveTALK; organization logo on marketing materials; organization video featured before or during LiveTALK; opportunity to suggest the topic; opportunity to join LiveTALK Braintrust2221
Choose a LiveTALK to be part of the featured sponsors; organization logo on marketing materials
Name as either a sponsor or speaker at a “Doing Business with Corporations/Government/Large Nonprofits
Opportunity for organization CPO to speak at Virtual CPO Forum
Opportunity for organization CIO/CTO to speak at Virtual CIO/CTO Forum
Registrations for Virtual CPO Forum and CIO/CTO Forum20108642
Opportunity for organization’s EBRG leadership to participate in EBRG Leadership Caucus meetings
Opportunity for organization’s Supplier Diversity Managers, Buyers and other Procurement Professionals to participate in Supplier Diversity & Procurement Professionals Caucus meetings
Email banner placement or an ad in 1 monthly newsletter release on the 3rd Thursday of every month555222
Email banner placement or an ad in weekly update email releases every Monday321
Organization logo featured on Conference website for 1 year
Social media post monthly

*Guanxi is a business term meaning “connections” or “relationship”

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